Agatha Christie, one of the world famous Mystery novel writer, dedicated her life to literature and referred as Master of Suspense�s and Twist�s. This study mainly depicts the nature and sweetness of the mathematical logic in the field of literature, and also reveals the true nature, meticulous style of Agatha Christie�s novels. The purpose of this paper is to study how Mathematics can be applied in the world of creative literature, and how �mathematical� logic plays a vital role in solving mysteries. This paper carries several research works which includes the classification of Classical logics; Fuzzy logics; examining the nuances and main suspect behind the murder. I strengthened this study by interlinking both Mathe-matics and literature. Also this paper discusses the nature of murder mystery novels and also narrates how the suspense�s plays a vital role in Agatha�s novels. Theoretical fuzzy Logic explanation and practical logic application for solving these mysteries are explained with particular case studies.